Attendance Policy

Definitions and Procedures Covering: Absence, Excused Daily Absence, Unexcused Daily Absence, Cuts, Truancy, Early Dismissal, Lateness

A. Absence

A pupil is absent who is recorded absent from period one and assigned classes, and is not participating in a field trip. Parents/guardians should call the attendance office by 9:00 A.M. to report the reason for, and the expected duration of, the absence. If no call is received from the parent/guardian, the school shall attempt to call or email the parent/guardian.

B. Excused daily absence

An absence from class will be excused upon a satisfactory written explanation from a parent/guardian and/or a phoned explanation as recorded by the attendance office. The following are considered excused absences:

1. Verified illness of the pupil. After three or more consecutive days of absence, a pupil must present a doctor's note or the parent/guardian must confer with the principal or his/her designee.

2. Critical family emergency, such as death in the family, serious family illness.

3. Religious observance

4. An alternative educational program provided prior consent has been obtained from the school administration.

5. College visit, up to three visits per school year for students in grades 11 and 12.

6. Other urgent personal circumstances that the principal or his/her designee agrees are valid.

Unexcused Daily Absences

A. A pupil is unexcused when he/she is absent without a valid excuse or did not receive prior school permission to be absent from school.

B. Vacations, when school is in session, are unexcused. Family vacations should be planned to coincide with the school calendar.

C. College visits in excess of three are unexcused.

D. Absences other than those specifically designated as excused may be classified as

Unexcused upon review by the principal.

Cuts (Unexcused Class Absences)

A. A cut is defined as being present in the school building but failing to report for instruction, without the specific approval of certified personnel, in the period and classroom assigned.

B. Failure to report for instruction in the assigned period and classroom as a result of being tardy to school without a proper excuse is unexcused and may be considered a cut.

C. Classes missed because a pupil is truant are classified as cuts.

Truancy (Unexcused Daily Cuts)

Truancy is defined as leaving the school building during the instructional day, without the specific approval of the principal or his/her designee.

Truancy also occurs when a parent/guardian or other person having charge of the pupil is unable to cause him/her to attend school and further, when a pupil is incorrigible or vagrant.

Early Dismissal

Appointments for pupils should be made outside of school hours. Early dismissal should be used only when no other reasonable alternative is available.

A. Only an administrator is empowered to grant permission for early dismissal.

B. If a pupil has to be excused from school early, a request in writing must be submitted to the attendance office or an administrator between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. This note must contain reasons for the request and a telephone number for parent/guardian contact.

1. If the request is approved, a written permit will be issued to the pupil.

2. The pupil must sign out before leaving the building and sign in if the pupil returns to school.

3. If the request is not approved, and should the pupil not appear in class, the absence will be considered and treated as a cut.


Lateness to school and/or class shall be treated within the guidelines of the regular disciplinary code of the school Policy/regulations 5131 Conduct/Discipline.) Teachers shall initiate conferences in order to change the pupil's behavior. When such conferences fail to achieve the goal of prompt attendance, the teacher shall notify the assistant principal in writing regarding the situation. The assistant principal may place the pupil under whatever appropriate restrictions are necessary to improve the pupil's sense of responsibility. These include detentions which may become progressively more frequent if the pupil does not change his/her behavior. Ultimately, suspension from school may result. The same restrictions apply to a pupil who is not present for period one and fails to sign in at the area designated by the administration.

Procedures Relating to Loss of Credit

All excused and unexcused absences are included in attendance records. A pupil whose absences exceed ten percent (18 days) of the scheduled classes for each course may be denied credit for the course. Loss of credit will occur in all cases when a pupil has attained the following absences unless he or she successfully appeals the loss of credit:

  • 9 absences in a one semester course
  • 18 absences in a full year course

A student must be in attendance at least half of the school day to participate in any after school activity.

Pupils absent from school for any reason are responsible for completion of assignments missed because of their absence. Students listed as cut/truancy will receive a zero for the day's work missed. Students listed as absent unexcused will have only 48 hours to make up work missed. Students suspended will have the opportunity to make up work missed on the actual day of suspension. It is the student's responsibility to see every teacher prior to the suspension for work.

Students have 2 school days to correct an error in attendance.

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